
i realised sometime in high school that i liked to write those essays they made us do in english literature class. when i started university i took some literature courses and ended up graduating with a major in media and writing. i learned the ins and outs of media theory and the media landscape in post-apartheid south africa, and consequently found myself writing primarily from a critical decolonial lens. i don’t think i actually learned a lot about how to write beyond a traditional academic setting, but i learned the processes that make for a piece that’s well-structured, well-researched, and engaging for broad audiences.

selected writing

Perceptions towards NFTs in the South African art market (2022)
I wrote this scientific paper as part of the requirements for my honours degree at the University of Cape Town. I used qualitiative methods to explore artists’ perceptions towards non-fungible tokens within the South African art market, and their motivations to participate in it. I presented my findings at the Management Information Conference at the University of Trento, Italy, in 2024.

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Gamification in enterprise: Engaging or Endagering?
I wrote this research essay exploring gamification in the workplace as part of my bachelors degree at the University of Cape Town.

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Women: The fight that continues
When I was the creative director for the official newspaper at my university, Varsity Newspaper, I wrote a piece for the centrespread of the special edition of the paper commemorating Women’s Month - a month dedicated to women in South Africa. The edition focuses on the state of gender-based violence in South Africa almost one year following the murder of a university classmate.

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Bollywood and colourism: How fair is your anti-racist post?
I wrote this feature article as part of a writing course at university. The article brings to fore the contradictions found in Bollywood celebrities’ social media posts against racism during the height of the Black Lives Matter resurgance in 2020.

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